Tuesday, May 10, 2016


It's the 2nd day of my third semester (degree) in college. I kinda like my timetable so far. I really hope I don't screw things up, since college life can be extremely excruciating sometimes. Maybe I'm over-exaggerating, but life in college is extremely tough when you're mentally unfit, peer pressure and all. Nevertheless, I'm not gonna let anything irrelevant conquer my mind. It's always easy to be said than done, but at least I'm trying.

Today's normal as usual. Spent most of my time reading The Death House before class started. To my surprise, it was much better than expected. I thought it was gonna be super cheesy and all, but it was great. Wasn't the best book I'd read since I'm not into romance genre, but it's beautifully written. I was wrong about the cheesy part, I really enjoy it. It's so rare to see people reading books nowadays. Personally, I think books are good escapes for our poor souls from this hectic world. I used to have the thought of being an author, but my language skills suck, so nope. I rather read than write.

Spent my night running at the park with my bae. Had been nearly a week since we last worked out, felt super exhausted, but it's always nice to move our bodies. We're not hardcore fitness junkies, but working out together is one of our favorite things to do together. Some people might think that we're too clingy with each other. The thing is if we really enjoy each other's company, what's the matter? It's not like we're forcing each other to be together. Things are just so much fun when we're together. When we're disconnected from the harsh society. Yes, we are part of the society, but we choose whether we wanna follow the crowd or just be whoever we wanna be. Just because most relationships are selfish and individualistic, doesn't mean we have to practice that in our lives. We love spending our time together, but we never stop each other from our hobbies individually. He still plays CSGO and I still do my makeup, and we respect each other for that. We share our knowledge about things we like personally, instead of bashing them. 
I think support and understanding is an important thing. It's just sad that most couples don't bother much about each other's background and lifestyle, and they try to change each other. Why do you claim to love them, when you're trying to change who they are? Aren't you suppose to embrace all their beauty and flaws? If they're in bad position, you'll guide them up, instead of leaving them behind. A relationship is never supposed to be one sided. We do have times when we disagree with each other, but it's always the best to talk things out instead of raising our hands or arguing selfishly. If your partner is doing something that's bothering you, you just have to be honest and let him/her know and solve it together, but if he/her brushes your opinions off and treats you poorly for it, it's best to reevaluate whether is he/her the right one for you. 
I don't think I need to clarify anything about my bae and I for always being around each other, because that's what makes us happy. We enjoy many things in common, and support each other's dreams and goals. We only live once and die once, might as well enjoy life with people we treasure most, instead of being with ones that make us feel lesser.

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