Sunday, May 1, 2016


Wanted to film a makeup tutorial for this look but it turned out pretty bad cuz I wasn't feeling for the past few days, my left eye's extremely swollen... I think there was a stye on my eyelid. The doctor told me it was infection so yeah, much sad. 
Anyway I revamped this plain old tee a couple days ago & this is how it looks like. Super satisfied with the outcome, though it was kinda hard & stiff. Should've invest more on fabric paints (I mixed my fabric paint with acrylic LOL).

 Here's how it looks like close up. It has the Tumblr inspired kinda vibe I guess Idk, I don't even use Tumblr often. Brush strokes are obvious cuz I want it to be that way. I'm not sure if I'm gonna make a tutorial for this cuz it's super easy to make.