Friday, May 20, 2016


Today's coordinate. Kinda hippie, kinda street, I don't even know. Really like the socks I'm wearing today, but I forgot to take a pic of it. *sighpie* 

Top: Cotton On
Bottom: thrift shop
Socks: mom bought it in Shanghai
Shoes: online

Fail attempt to get a good selfie cuz I wasn't in the mood, but my hair was cute oh well.

Back view. Hippy unruly kinda hair.

Went to campus to get some assignment stuff from my classmate and did my group assignment at a cafe near my campus. I wasn't really enjoying my time cuz both of my 3D modelling and animation assignments were screwed up. Plus my bulimia relapsed for almost a week continuously, I was super upset about everything.

I'm super glad that my bae took his time to talk things out with me and made me feel better. It's not easy to deal with someone who has depression and eating disorders at the same time, but he's really understanding and I'm so proud to have him by my side. I don't mean to rely on him in any way, neither do I wanna burden him, but he's always there for me, and I'm grateful for that. I don't mean to point this on anyone, but sometimes people don't love each other for who they are. They tend to get attracted to others just because of a sudden attraction and leave when things go downhill. It's crucial to get to know your other half well before even being together. If they end up judging you for your flaws, then they're definitely not gonna make you happy in long run, vice versa. You can always help them get better by guiding them, but judging is never an option. You'll create mental scars in their heads. I'd seen guys who told their partners that they are fat and need to lose weight, by right those girls look perfectly fine and healthy. Not just girls, it happens to guys as well. I have no idea why would you change someone when they clearly don't need any changes. Just to feed your appetite? You can't change someone that's having depression either. Telling them to shut up or "just get over it" will only make things worse. Sure, you'll think that that's not what you'd signed up for, all you want is a peaceful relationship. The thing is if you truly love someone, will you even hurt them? Even if you have no clue why are they acting in such way, at least seek help from the professionals or talk to them nicely when you can. Don't ever brush them off if you claim that you truly love them. Just most parents, no matter how hard things are, they'll never leave you behind. Love is not all about sex and romance tbh. It's everything, from trust and support to helping each other. If you can't accept these, then you're not even qualified for a serious relationship.

Btw, my bae and I were supposed to visit Ikea after finishing up our group work, but it was kinda late so we ended up going to the park for a walk. Kinda regret no bringing our sports attire or else we could've jogged a bit. We saw this cute little frog btw. My bae wanted to touch it, but I ended up stopping him just in case it's poisonous. Frogs are cute, I dunno why so many people are afraid of them rofl.

Nevertheless my night ended up great all thanks to my bae. About this weekend, I'm not sure if wanna do any makeup videos. I'm planning to do AOA Hyejeong's makeup from their recent MV, Good Luck. I feel like doing some Japanese style makeup as well, but there are so many assignments to deal with. Even if I have the time to do the makeups, I wouldn't have enough time to edit them. *sobs*

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