Thursday, May 5, 2016


Yesterday was a long day. Went to Petaling Street early in the morning with my dad to grab some hair extensions for his upcoming hair show in Brunei. We happened to drop by an art store that's having a massive clearance sales as it's closing down soon. If anyone's interested to check them out, click here. It was such a coincidence that I bumped into my college friend there. It's such a small world. Sadly, I don't get to walk around and take some pics at Petaling Street cuz my dad was in a rush.

Today's coordination:
Top - Thrift shop + DIY
Bottoms - Cotton On
Sneakers - SPX

Kawaii Polantras's siblings. My bae bought me one of these cute bear quite some time ago and we named her Polantras, so yeah all of these are her siblings.

Went to IKEA with my bae for brunch in the evening. Apparently our brunch starts at 4 pm. Don't judge, everyone functions differently, and that's what makes us all unique.
My bae looks like he's shooting some sort of facial product advertisement in this photo rofl, and there I am, looking super derpy.

Strolling in IKEA always feels good. I was never really into furniture and interior design back then, but as I grew older, all these things start to interest me. 
People change from time to time, and there's nothing wrong with it. Personally, I think it's okay to change for good and to learn from my mistakes, but it's definitely not okay for me to change just to please others or to fit into a certain community. It's just not nice to change who you are for the sake of other's acceptance. 
I'm super grateful that my bae's really understanding. It's really nice to be around someone you love who is your best friend and supports each other's goals and ambitions. Speaking about life and all, it's not always sunshine. There are times that I feel really out of place for no reason. It's hard for me to accept myself, which causes me to push people out of my life. Social interactions became such a tiring chore for me, but he always reminds me that I am worthy, that I don't need to torment myself, which I always tend to. 
The thing is, the only person who can make you happy is yourself. You can never rely on anyone else, but having someone who supports you completely and loves you unconditionally makes life so much brighter and beautiful. Instead of demanding you to snap out of your problems, they connect with your soul, and give you a reason to recover from whatever you're suffering from and to rediscover who you truly are. I know I sound cheesy, but it's up to individual to accept it. There are just too many problematic people nowadays, and social media makes things worse, it can be hard to find someone who truly connects with you. Nonetheless, as long as you protect yourself, everything will turn out fine. 

Btw, we went book shopping at Popular bookstore in IPC as well. I redeemed a few novels with my book voucher. Shopping for books can be stressful sometimes, especially when you feel like you wanna get everything but you only have that limited amount of budget. I really enjoy reading since young, but I have no idea why I hate reading text books when I was in school. Wanted to get Game of Thrones series, but there were six novels and I only had a hundred bucks left, so I got myself these instead. Gonna spend more time reading during break time in college. It stresses me out every time I thought of college... 

My bae and I picked these beads from Spotlight, since there was sales. They're only one buck each. I'm planning to make new bracelets for the both of us.

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