Sunday, May 1, 2016


It's raining really heavy here around my housing area. There aren't much activities to do outdoors either. The best thing to do outdoors so far is working out with my bae at the park. I'd gained a lot of weight due to eating disorders and stuff (I'll write about this when I feel like it), so staying healthy with my loved one is always the best option. Living in the city pretty sucks, I guess.
Anyway, I bought lots of crime & thriller related books recently, but I hadn't really read them except for this particular one:

At first, I really got hooked up by this novel. The suspense is really strong, and it's beautifully written, but as the story proceeds, I kinda lose interest in it. Not that it's bad or anything, but there's just too much romance than actual thriller. I mean it's nice, I'm just not really into the romance kinda story line. I guess this proves that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Nah, I just didn't bother to read its synopsis when I purchased it. But again, it's a good read, just not my cup of tea.

I have a bunch of games on my laptop, but I'm always playing the same one, Recently downloaded this RPG horror game, IT MOVES. Looks pretty creepy, but I just started playing a few minutes so Idk. Here's how it looks like:

I used to dislike pixelated games back then when I was younger, until I found out that many of them actually have good story lines. In fact, many indie games actually have better story lines than those with big names, just saying. The Cat Lady and Downfall are really good, that's if you're into psychological horror. Outlast 2 will be released soon, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna purchase it or not. I really like the first Outlast and Whistleblower, but budget's pretty tight right now. I really need to get a part time job as soon as I receive my college timetable for the next semester. I know It Moves isn't a new game, but I'm still gonna post some reviews about it as soon as I make some progress.

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