Monday, May 16, 2016


Hadn't blogged for two days straight.
Did Twice's Sana inspired makeup. This makeup is super easy, there aren't much techniques to take care of. The highlights of this makeup are shiny aegyo sal and vibrant pink lips. 
I'm not sure if this makeup is good enough, cuz I wasn't feeling well and not much effort was put in. Please don't be too harsh on me. I feel like this makeup makes me look more like Tzuyu than Sana tbh. I uploaded the "tutorial" on my YouTube channel since I kinda like the overall outcome.

My super awkward smile.
I made these pink swarovski crystal earrings myself btw.

If anyone's interested to watch how I did this makeup, here's the vid. It's not the best I can do, but I really hope you guys enjoy it!

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