Sunday, May 22, 2016


Woke up to my bae's long voice and text messages this morning. I felt so bad for not being able to wake up midnight to do our assignments together. I'm having a bad flu and sore throat since the moment I woke up. ლ(。-﹏-。 ლ) Btw, I'm kinda surprised that people actually watch my YouTube videos. My Jun Hyo Seong - Find Me inspired makeup "tutorial" (< click on link to watch) has more than 1k views omg. Thank you so much! Honestly, my videos are really potato quality, since I can't afford good camera and lighting. I really hope I can make better videos in the future. I'm really thankful to those who enjoy watching my videos and subscribed to my channel. It means a lot to me! I'm really busy with my assignments lately, so I might need to finish up my work asap before I can start filming again. *sobs* 

Btw, I made this in the morning.Glitters in the bottle. It doesn't serve any purpose, just to decorate my working desk I guess. I looks 100x prettier in real life though. I might get some shiny jewels to decorate the bottle lid since it's kinda plain.

Gonna proceed with my assignments on this pathetic Sunday of mine. ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚ I really wish my college life was more laid back, but I don't think there's such thing in life.

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