Thursday, May 12, 2016


Can't believe I slept for almost 16 hours. Class was fun yesterday, but it started a little too early in the morning, I was completely knocked out when I reached home. I went to 1U with my bae straight after class to inquire about a job application, but the shop was shifted or closed down, I'm not really sure. There were no notifications or anything.(;≧皿≦) It was kinda frustrating, but I should've contacted them beforehand.

The weather here is extremely bad recently. I'm suppose to go jogging with my bae later at night, but he fell ill, thanks to the weather. It's just sad to see your loved ones fall sick. It's as hot as Sahara desert in the afternoon and raining like mean monsoon in the evening, plus the haze makes everything 10x worse. I guess today will be another regular day at home.

I made these new bracelets (tiger eye stones + metal and glass beads) for my bae btw.
I'm really glad he likes them. I'm not sure if anyone's interested, but I'm open for orders. For further information, feel free to leave a comment down below.

Cleaned up my hammies' cage this morning. My babies are so cute, but sometimes they bite. You just gotta be careful when dealing with rodents, they're pretty unpredictable. Furry animals are so adorable, especially cats. I always wanted a cat, but my parents disapprove. I'll definitely get myself a cat in the future, maybe two maybe three or more, who knows. I'm a crazy cat lady I guess...

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