Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I'd finished reading The Death House. It was really good and beautifully written. The last page left me soaking in tears.
I'm currently reading this non-fiction book about the investigation of serial murderers, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. Detective/crime books and TV shows are my thing so yeah. I kinda wanted to pursue my studies in forensic psychology tbh, but then changed my mind. I don't even know why, maybe art is something I enjoy more.

Went for lunch with my bae at Ikea after class. We're there for lunch almost every week, really enjoy the food and atmosphere there. Everything went well today, except that he had a terrible flu and sore throat. (˃̩̩̥ɷ˂̩̩̥) I hope he gets well soon asap cuz falling ill is one of the worst shyt ever.

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