Friday, May 13, 2016


Finally changed my hair color yay! 
If anyone's wondering why I don't dye my hair myself, it's because I don't wanna repeat the same mistake ever again. I used to bleach my hair without my dad's knowledge (or under any professional's supervision), and it ended up real bad that I had to chop my locks off. Trust me, the outcome may look okay, but you're gonna destroy your poor hair within a short period of time. 
Tips before getting the hair color you want: Always do as many research as you can before entering a salon. It's always best to make an appointment with your hairstylist to inquire about the hairstyle you want. Hairstyles are just like clothing, they're not meant to be one size fit all. It depends on your natural hair structure, color, quality and all. Or course, you can always get what you want, but the outcome may not always be as great as you expected, so it's always better if you listen to your hairstylist's opinions. 

I'm super happy with the final result, all thanks to my dad.
I notice this hairstyle goes really well with pinkish igari makeup or something fancy like oshere kei. Not sure if it looks well with black smokey eyes, unless I'm planning to do Harley Quinn inspired makeup rofl. These colors are super kawaii and vibrant, they're just as pretty as how they look in these pictures. Not that I dislike the previous half blue half purple, but this one has a bigger color contrast, so it's more unique I guess.

Btw, these hair dyes are super cool cuz they literally smell like jelly and candies, I'm not kidding. They're the best hair dyes I'd tried so far. 

Back view. Indoor:

Back view. Outdoor:

If anyone's interest to drop by my dad's salon, you can make inquire or make an appointment here: MTH SALON
 For further promotions, feel free to leave a comment down below. Peace.

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